Monday, January 02, 2006

The first day of the week

Most people who go to church go to church on Sunday morning. I don't have any stats for that, I just think it's true. Regardless, my home church, Union Hill Church, holds the main service Sunday morning and that's what this is about. I've been reading lots of Scriptures and blogs about "church." What is it? I read on HouseChurchBlog that the word comes from the Greek ekklesia and it wasn't even a religious word. It originally just meant a group of people. We hear that a lot: "Don't go to church, be the church." This isn't new, but there are people out there starting new churches or renewing old churches based on this concept. Herein I hope to collect the thoughts and ideas I encounter in my exploration of what this looks like. I won't pretend to think that I'll have any original ideas. This will be more of a place to collect Scriptures and other people's ideas, including yours. Hopefully, from this "research," I'll get a clear picture of what God wants Sunday morning to look like at Union Hill, and most importantly, what my role in it is.


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